Wouldn’t it be great to have your own board of experts?
When we launched Tovera Consulting it was with a vision to offer more than a traditional corporate brand and reputation consultancy. Recognising that whilst most of our research and advice would inform brand positioning, reputation management and corporate communications strategies, our experience also told us that sometimes, building reputation isn’t always about a communications outcome.
Sometimes changes need to be made at the very heart of an organisation. Critical decisions need to be made to ensure that an organisation is doing the right things to gain stakeholder support, and in doing so, protect its reputation.
This is why Tovera Consulting has brought together leading experts from Risk, Governance, Organisational Culture, Corporate Strategy, Innovation and Public Affairs to form The Tovera Board of Experts. Our experts are leaders in their fields, consultants at the top of their game with experience gained at leading FTSE 100&250 companies, academia and research institutes.
The Tovera Board of Experts provide input to our reputation and brand studies and we can call upon them and make them available as a direct resource to our clients who need specific expertise, or just want a safe and confidential viewpoint from the perspective of one of our experts on a matter that is likely to affect reputation or corporate brand standing.
Timely expert advice from highly regarded topic experts. That’s Tovera’s Board of Experts. Click here to read more.